A few rhymes I wrote at home during the height of the 2020 lockdown featuring a few talented and generous friends. We couldn't be together in person but that didn't stop us from creating and connecting. The video also features a few clips of friends sharing their experience when the world shut down.
The video features Edson Sean, Jon Souza, Brother E, Ganesboro, Danny Cruz, DJ Srv, Mark Bell, Alex of Conversing with oceans, J Instrumental, Phinestro, Randy Jr. Odane Whilby, (Beats by Jack Flip, Jonathan Reyes, Sam Trackz.
You can hear the full verses here on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHkCcHpKLGI&list=PLSJFuVUL4NG8kb_POby_ZDgh-eL08-a_Y
Listen on bandcamp https://randymason.bandcamp.com/album/what-good-is-art-when-the-world-is-falling-apart-the-2020-quarantine-jam
RIP Rev Efrain (Pastor E) Alicea 8/6/64 - 1/31/23 https://www.elementschurch.com/copy-of-the-team